In 1986 Archon Richard T. Greene, Jr., a member of Alpha Sigma Boulé, Brooklyn-Long Island, worked with Archons Robert Franklin and Butler Henderson to establish a fledgling boulé in the Tampa Bay area. Under the direction of Grand Sire Archon William McClain, Grand Grammateus Butler Henderson and Past Grand Sire Archon Robert Franklin, Gamma Omicron Boulé was chartered with seventeen new Archons. Gamma Omicron’s signature event is its annual Carter G. Woodson Lecture Series, to which prominent scholars and public figures are invited during Black History Month to speak on subjects relating to black history or current issues of concern to African Americans. The entire community is invited, with special emphasis on young attendees, as a primary purpose of the boulé continues to be the education of our future leaders. Archon Greene has since returned to Alpha Sigma Boulé, but his legacy endures as Gamma Omicron continues to thrive.